Sunday, October 16, 2011


Since moving out here to Pennsylvania we've been hoping to have visitors from Utah. Since we now live 2 hours from EVERYWHERE we thought for sure people would want to come out here to visit the sights. It was quite the contest to see who would be our first visitors to use the guest bedroom. Katy, Kyle and Ben assumed they would have the honor of being our first guests, however, we had Kelly & Emily Nielsen come visit just a few days before Katy and Kyle. Kelly & Emily were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and we were thrilled to see them since we feel like we played a small part in getting them together. Our house is starting to feel like a home now that we can have people over.

Jay and I drove out to the Baltimore area to pick up Katy, Kyle, and Ben from the airport. We spent a few days out exploring Washington D.C. and Mt. Vernon and then a few days here at home taking day trips to Amish country, Hershey Chocolate World, Valley Forge, Philadelphia, and Gettysburg.
Washington D.C. Temple

Ben dressed as an astronaut

Grandpa & Benjamin

The craziest thing-tourists asking if they could have their picture taken with Ben. We thought it was the costume, but even when he wasn't wearing it people would come by and ask to have their picture taken with him.

Fly me to the Moon

Proof that Ben was here

And now from the other direction

One of my favorite places

The new Martin Luther King, Jr. monument
Katy is worth a little over a million and a half in stacked up $100 dollar bills  

Ben for President!
Trying the Metro for the first time
You don't see this everyday-making repairs to the Washington Monument-I would pee my pants!!
Visiting Mt. Vernon

Taking a stroll in George's backyard
Taking a break in front of Independence Hall

This guy has a HUGE lap! -Gettysburg

Why did the turtle cross the road? I got out of the car and made sure he made it safely across-
I don't think he appreciated the help-He didn't even say thank you

Jay is very excited about creating his own chocolate bar

Ben isn't so sure why we are all wearing funny hats

You're never too old to go down the curly slide 

My 29th Birthday ;-)

As much as I hate to admit it, I just celebrated the 21st anniversary of my 29th birthday. Jay had a business trip in Dallas in September, so we decided that while he was gone I would spend a week out in Utah. Unfortunately, his trip was moved up a week, so as soon as he got home from Texas I had to leave for Utah without him. After living apart for 5 months last year I wasn't really happy about being apart for those 2 weeks in September. Next time, I'm bringing him with me.

However, the week went by so quickly and I had a very enjoyable birthday with friends and family. I had a very nice welcome from my grandchildren and children. The girls set it up so we would rotate whose home to have dinner at and it felt like every night was a celebration. They have become very good cooks! Katy treated us to Dutch Oven, Darcy had a Fall party, and Amy treated us to roast beast on the rotisserie. I very much enjoyed seeing everyone together.
I also spend a fun-filled day at Roy Elementary School. It felt so natural to be back there with the students and staff who I will always consider friends/family.
Adam at the Kangaroo Zoo

Ben enjoys bouncing around

Peyton smiling for the camera

Hard to catch Korbin in action

Fall party at Darcy & Thom's house

Grandpa Hopkins would be SO proud!

Korbin chillin' with his animal crackers

Haley came prepared with many snacks and an animal encyclopedia

Haley & Peyton have a new friend

The train ride is always a favorite

Amy & Korbin take a ride

Enjoying some "Old McDonald"
Peyton LOVES maps-just like grandma :-)

Ben enjoys playing in water


I'm going to attempt to catch up on all the activities we have done since our last blog entry. Back in August, Jay had a meeting with a vender in Philadelphia. The vendor had grown up in that area and wanted to treat us to a real "Philly Cheesesteak" and, of course, a baseball game. He took us to a place the locals like, Jim's Steaks, which was really just a "hole in the wall" kind of place. As we were standing in line, and there was a HUGE line, we became aware of the way customers were behaving when they ordered. Visions of the "Soup Nazi" came to mind. I was very thankful when our vendor friend offered to do the ordering. He very quickly placed our order and stepped sideways. He told us that once he brought another friend to this same restaurant and he was denied service for having the nerve to order french fries with his sandwich. I thought that was silly, but I was glad he ordered for us nonetheless.
I had no clue what ingredients were in a cheesesteak. You can order it with all kinds of toppings like onions, peppers, etc, and various cheeses, including Cheez Whiz.  Mine was pretty basic, a roll, provolone, and lots of thinly sliced beef. Not so much a girlie lunch. Although it was tasty, it was just a bit on the large size.
Jim's Steaks
What they do to people who order fries with their cheesesteaks

Next, we went to our first ever Phillies Game. It was another beautiful ballpark with the coolest mascot ever. I don't know what it is...they call it the "Phanatic" and it looks sort of like a bird with a cylindrical shaped beak. It was love at first sight, I tell you. I wanted to take him home with us. He was so much fun to watch since the Phillies weren't very exciting that night. Right after the 3rd inning the wind began to blow and the clouds began to swirl. The ground crew rolled out the tarp to cover the field just in the nick of time. We actually saw lightning hit in the stadium! They made everyone take cover and wait out the rain. After 2 hours of waiting we decided to call it a night. We needed our rest because I had a full day of sight-seeing and shopping planned for the next day. Oh, for those of you wondering how the hot dogs were at this park, we were too full from the cheesesteak to try them. I guess we'll just have to go back next year.
The Phillies!

The bell rings when the Phillies hit a home run

The Phanatic.  So cute! 

Lots of rain

The next morning we woke up to a beautiful day. Our first stop, the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. If you have never been, I highly recommend it. You have to go to the visitor center first to get pick up tickets for Independence Hall. The tickets are free, but you must have one if you want to tour the inside. We had a little time before our tour of Independence Hall so we went to view the Liberty Bell first. We walked through the building which was very informative as to the history of the bell. Then in the back, surrounded by a crowd of people, stands the bell. I know I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to history, but seeing it for the first time brought tears to my eyes. It has become a symbol for so many people, past, present, and future. I couldn't help but wonder at all the foreigners there taking pictures, some of whom got in trouble for trying to touch it. What exactly does the bell mean to those who don't share the same freedoms we have? I would love to spend a day there talking with tourists  about just that. Geek, I know.

Jay likes me to do this silly wave everywhere we go :-)

The Liberty Bell

The outside of Independence Hall is under renovation. Jay and I both enjoyed seeing the inside very much. This is known as "The birthplace of the United States" It is where both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were adopted and signed. George Washington was named commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in this very place.
Independence Hall

For a short time the British took over the building for use as a prison, hospital, and barracks. They used the furniture for firewood and left the building in shambles. The tall chair with the sun on the back located in the back of the Assembly Room is the original chair used by George Washington. Benjamin Franklin always wondered if the sun that was engraved on the chair back was rising or setting. On the day of the Constitution signing he was heard to say that it was indeed rising.
The Supreme Court-Only lawyers who passed their exams were permitted beyond this bar,
 thus the term-"Pass the bar"

Defendants had to stand in the little box in the center,
thus the term, "Stand trial"

Independence Hall has beautiful architecture

The Assembly Room-

George Washington's chair

Beautiful stairway-details are everywhere!

We also went to Christ's Church Burial Ground where Benjamin Franklin is buried, the Philadelphia Mint where they were making pennies, the Todd House where Dolly Madison lived, the first post office in the U.S., and we walked by the Betsy Ross house. 
Benjamin Franklin's Grave

It was a little spooky when I met up with Mr. Franklin at the cemetery

Post Office was cool-still functioning

There were many other things that I would love to do, but they will all have to wait until we visit again.