Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal

 Just out of Rochester, New York is a lovely little town named Pittsford. This would be our final stop before we arrived home to Carlisle. Jay and I were able to cross off another place on our "bucket list". Our hotel was right on the Erie Canal. It was like going back in time, riding on a small boat and going through the locks. It was quite fascinating to go in and watch the water rise, or fall. It made me think of the men who designed it, and built it for that matter. The canal really helped to change the lives of so many people for the better.

The next day, we headed to Palmyra for a little more Church history.

Hill Cumorah

1 comment:

  1. I've really enjoyed reading about your trip! What an adventure. The pictures and the commentary are awesome.

