Friday, July 15, 2011

Filling in for Nana

Earlier this week, Jay and I heard the sad news that Marilyn's (Nana's cousin) husband had passed away. Nana and Marilyn are not only cousins, but close friends who talk via phone each week. They both have a passion for genealogy. It was not possible for Nana to travel to the upper PA area from Utah to attend the services so Jay and I were honored to attend in her stead. It was a lovely service and we were warmly welcomed by a number of Marilyn's family and friends.

Following the service, we decided to make the short drive from Woodhull, New York to Corning, NY. Nana's mother was born in Corning and her grandfather, Alfred, worked for many years at the Corning Glass Factory. The factory still operates today and has become a major tourist attraction with a museum, store, and interactive exhibits.

Jay and I decided that it would be nice to visit Corning and see if there was something we could do to include Nana in our visit today. One of the interactive exhibits at the factory gives visitors an opportunity to create their own piece of art using glass. So we decided to create an ornament to send home to Nana.

A beautiful day in Corning New York

Part of the Corning Museum little blob of glass-Soon to be my masterpiece!

I've got this...I think?

I'm full of hot air!

Still blowing but it's starting to take shape

I was trying to capture the feeling of an ocean wave after it has splashed over your toes and begins to recede-
I can almost feel it. Can you?


Voila! I hope Nana loves it as much as we do!

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