Greetings from the huge city of Muscatine! After another LONG day of driving, I've settled in for the night on the Iowa/Illinois border.
I thought last night's town was a bit dull! This one is even quieter.. The big event tonight.... " The Fur Ball"!
Yes, they are holding a dance/dinner/silent auction to benefit the local animal shelter. It's tempting but I think I am going to pass on this huge event!
I did make a couple of stops along the way today. I went thru Lincoln Ne too early to hook up with Mr Bill. ( Sorry Bill.. We'll hook up in Carlisle) I did however, make a quick side trip to Winter Quarters.
Brigham Young Statue at Tabernacle in Council Bluffs |
Winter Quarters Visitors Center |
Temple at Winter Quarters
I was hoping to see Kyle's little sister who is serving a mission in Council Bluffs but she was not at the visitors center today.
I am happy to report that the other missionaries there all love Darcy and she is doing quite well and evidently is quite the cook!
Following the side trip to Council Bluffs, I headed to Iowa and made another brief stop at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library
I'd post these photos but I do not know how to move them to the correct location! I'll get better at this blog stuff!!!
The only other big news today was that we received confirmation that we secured the lease on the townhome in Carlisle that we wanted. So, we know where we will live! Good news indeed.
That's it for now.. More exciting road adventures tomorrow as I head thru Illinois, Indiana and end up in Ohio!
Love to all!! Grandpa
Hope you make good progress before the snow storm arrives. Drive carefully.