Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome to Carlisle!!!

I have finally arrived.. After 4 days and 2400+ miles, I am finally here in Carlisle and have checked into my home away from home

Grandpa's Temporary Home until Feb.

Grandma and Grandpa's New Home in Feb.
 It was quite a white knuckle drive today. Lots of snow and ice as I made my way from Ohio, thru a small part of West Virginia and then into Pennsylvania and onto Carlisle. It appears that just a couple inches of snow creates quite a mess back here. It really wasn't all that much compared to Utah snow storms but they cancelled schools, had alerts on the radio and a bunch of accidents. I'm glad we found a home close to my office since it looks like anytime there is snow, traffic is a mess.. More is in the forecast for this weekend so I am thrilled to be done with driving!

I love to drive, but 2400 + miles in 4 days is a bit much even for me! I had a chance this afternoon to go by the new house and finally take pictures. After looking at our choice a 2nd time, I am pleased with what we have selected. We will have plenty of room for the 2 of us and a nice guest room for what we hope will be many visitors. I drove from the house to the office tonight and it is a 6 minute drive. Nice and easy!

My plan is to spend the weekend recovering from the drive and also going to Church Sunday. I am anxious to get started at work and to meet everyone. I'm only here for a week before I head out on a 2 week business trip so I won't have much of a chance to settle in here. I don't think this will feel like home until I am out of the hotel and into the townhouse. Even then, it really will not feel normal until Grandma arrives later this year.

It looks like I will be back in early Feb to help with the movers. That is less than a month away!!! I'll continue to update everyone via the blog.. Have a great weekend and thanks again for all the emails and calls!

Love you!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Carlisle seems to have the same level of ability when dealing with a couple of inches of snow that the UK has (none). Happy to hear you made it to your destination safely. Enjoy your weekend of rest and I hope your first day at the office goes well.
