Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to Carlisle...

This place was established almost 100 yrs before pioneers arrived in Utah

Intersection of Hanover and High Street. Downtown Carlisle. Cannot wait to explore!

I spent a very uneventful 1st day here in Carlisle. It was actually nice to not have to get up at 4am and hit the road..

It snowed here today and you'd think they had a major storm. It only snowed about 3 inches but they were slow to clear the roads and there were a number of accidents. I was able to venture out and run a few errands. I found out the getting a drivers license will be easy. No test, only $30 and a valid license from another state. I need to have proof of residency, so this will have to wait until I move into the townhouse in Feb., but it is nice to know it will be an easy process.

I've decided to try the local eating establishments over the next few weeks so tonights dinner choice is Italian. Its a local place called George's and it has been around since 1958 and was recommended by the hotel staff. I figure by the time Grandma moves here in June, I'll have this place pretty well figured out.

I am enjoying the maid service and the hottub here at the hotel but I'm sure living out of a suitcase will get old in the next month! I am anxious for work to start on monday and finally get into a routine here. It was nice to be able to try out skype video conferencing today with Katy and Kyle. It worked and I am thrilled we will be able to use this to see the grandchildren.

I will be heading to Church in the morning. It will be weird going without Grandma. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you all!!!


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