Thursday, January 6, 2011

Road Trippin Day 3... Getting closer!

I've decided that this is one LARGE country! I've spent 3 straight days doing nothing but driving, and I'm still at least a full day away from Carlisle.

I finally encountered winter weather and spent most of the day driving in snow. It was not too heavy, but it was enough to slow things down considerably. I am now in Dayton Ohio. If the weather holds up, I should arrive in Carlisle sometime tomorrow night.

Due to the weather and the fact that there was not a whole lot to see today, I do not have any new photos to share. I did stop in Peoria to see if Jon ( Mary's brother) was working today but it was his day off. I stopped by his home, but no answer. so, I moved east and am now spending a snowy night in Dayton.

Rather than even try and venture out tonight, I'll see if I can catch up on some sleep and get an early start tomorrow. Sorry for the boring post, but , boring was the word of the day today!

I did get to talk to Peyton for a minute today which was fun. Mark also called so it is nice to get  an occasional call from people back home.

All is well... More to come tomorrow!


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