Saturday, January 22, 2011

2nd Weekend In Boston...

So, I cannot stand just staying in the room on the weekend so with the temperature outside a balmy 10 degrees, I decided to take a road trip. Here are a few of the sights I was able to visit today..

Boston Temple


Market Basket Supermarket

Patriots Stadium

Stop and Shop
Corporate Office- Where Grandpa has been working this week

 I decided to take a road trip and ended up in Rhode Island for awhile and then worked my way back to Boston. There is more bad weather heading this way next week so I thought I'd better go visit a few stores just in case the weather won't allow me to during the week.

There is alot to see here but the stores are quite busy on the weekend. I'm sure all of the storms during the week create some of the panic buying going on here. It is funny to hear the term "wicked" everywhere I go. For the most part, I am adjusting to east coast life. There is far more ethnic diversity than I expected and I was shocked to here Chinese over the pa systems in some of the stores.

Even though it is vewry cold and we are in the middle of winter, it is still very pretty here and it is like a postcard setting when you get off the freeways and turnpikes. I am glad I have a GPS  system in my car. These backroads get a bit confusing.

There is a military ball of some sort going on here at the hotel tonight so its sort of like a prom for grownups downstairs. Lots of people all dressed up. If, the weather holds tomorrow, I will venture back downtown tomorrow to see a few more sights. I miss you all and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.

In fact, 2 weeks from today, I will be back home.. Peyton and Korbin: Take care of Grandma for me!

Love you all!


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