Sunday, January 16, 2011

Checking out Boston

I had a free day today here in Boston so I decided to venture out and tour a few of our stores and also take in a few sights as well. I figured the traffic would be its lightest today and with the Patriots playing here today I assumed all the locals would be at home preparing for the game.

Here are a few of the sights I was able to see today...

Grandpa's Plane from Harrisburg to Philly. I had to help push it away from the gate!

My Hotel In Boston.. Notice all the snow! Just like back home in Layton.

Fenway Park. I was not impressed.. Yankee Stadium and even Wrigley Field were much more impressive.

Downtown Boston.. I weird mix of new,old and even older!

Symphony Hall.. Can't wait to bring Grandma Here!!

JFK Presidential Library

One of many cool exhibits at the JFK Library

Atrium at the JFK Library. I had the place to myself.

JFK Museum in Hyannis. Hard to believe, but all the houses in Cape Cod reminded me of Cape Cod style homes.. :)

Sign was more impressive than the rock itself!

Monument for the rock built in the 20's

There it is... Plymouth Rock.. I was disappointed.

Well, there are a few of my photos from my journey around Boston today. I have a full weekend coming up here in Boston next weekend to do a bit more sightseeing. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate!

Love you all!! Grandpa


  1. It looks like they threw a pebble in there. wow, how anticlimatic.


  2. That's hilarious! Please do post Manhattan Island's $24 of junk jewelry if you happen to come across it. Baubles, bangles, bright shiny beads. . .
