Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hey, at least I was here to witness a record!!

Well, with any luck, I will end my 2 week stay here in Boston and head back to Carlisle tomorrow.

Just in cae you have not been following the news, the northeast has experienced a record amount of snowfall this month and i have been lucky enough to be here and experience it firsthand!

Let me just say that I will never again complain about the weather in Utah.. I have seen it all here in the past 2 weeks and according to the local news, this is one for the record books and trust me, they have been keeping records on snowfall back here since the 1700's!

Last night and today was the latest storm and a pleasant 15 inches fell here in an 8 hour period. I've seen record snowfall and record low temps.. enough to last a lifetime!

I do look forward to visiting here in better weather.. All in all, a very interesting 2 weeks.. The best news..

I'm heading home next Wed to see everyone! I cannot wait!!!

Love to all... Grandpa

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