Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 1 Completed! Headed to Boston

It's been a week since I posted on the blog. So much for keeping up to day on here!! It has been a very busy week which is a good thing when one is alone.

I started the new job on Monday and as is the case with all new jobs, there was a mixed bag of experiences. This is not an entirely new experience. I've started new positions with new companies a number of times in the past, but adjusting to so much change all a once has been a bit overwhelming.

The company itself is undergoing a massive change. Consolidating 4 divisions into 1 is never easy but the sheer volume of chaos was a sight to see. For example, I am assigned a workarea on Monday and begin to settle in. I receive my laptop, log ins, email and system access and we're off to the races. After being out of grocery retail for the past decade, its a bit like riding a bike. I know what to do, but have to think a bit too much about things. The other issue is understanding the company structure and language which is very unique.

The good things is, there are a number of new people and also about 75% of those in the office are transplants from one of the other divisions, so in many ways, they too are new so there are a number of conversations that start.. " Hi, I'm.. who are you and what do you do"!! Quite humorous actually.

So I survive day one and head back to the hotel mentally exhausted. I get up too early ( as always) on day 2 so I decide to just head into work early and get the day started. I head through the maze of cubicles to where I was working on Monday to find the cubicle gone and it replaced by a copy machine. So much for making a good first impression! No, I wasn't fired after the 1st day! It seems that the 11th was moving day for our dept and no one told the movers I had already started work so I did not exist on their plans. So, I found a cubicle that looked unlived in and made myself at home.

A couple of hours later when people started to roll in, no one questioned who I was or what I was doing. It seemed a bit like an old Seinfeld episode and I was George Castanza! Anyway, eventually I found my new home, an upgrade from the space I was given on Monday. Nicer location, nice view, bigger, nicer equipment etc..

The rest of the week was spent meeting people, attending meetings and conference calls and trying to understand the company structure. Since they have been operating understaffed for a while, it really has been a case of jump in and just swim. I'm sure things will become clearer in time, but for now, I am working day to day trying to learn who, what, where and when. I know most of how to do the job since the categories are not new to me but it will be nice when I have a better understanding of how all of the pieces fit together.

So, with the 1st week completed here in Carlisle, I head out this morning for a 2 week trip to Boston and New York. It's strange to be working and traveling to work in areas where I previously only vacationed.

My new home in Boston for the next 2 weeks!


I take perhaps the smallest plane I've ever been on from Harrisburg to Philly this morning and then on to Boston. Weather should be cold but manageable. I probably will not get to see much this weekend but hope to get out a bit next weekend weather permitting. I then head to New York on the 25th before heading back to Carlisle on the 29th.

It will be a long 2 weeks, but its nice to be seeing new areas! I will try to do better in updating the blog.. Amy, I will also do my best to survive in the Red Sox Nation the next 2 weeks. I'm thinking that wearing a Yankee tie to work on Monday would help set the tone!!

Love to all..


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