Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Road Trippin Day 1

Well, I have survived my first travel day to the new job... After an emotional goodbye this morning, I headed east into the frozen tundra of Wyoming. As always, there is not much to see in Wyoming but encountering ice fog made the drive interesting this time!

Per Mary's request, I did take it slow and actually stopped from time to time to stretch my legs a bit and take a couple of photos to prove I was being obedient!

Rest Stop just outside of Laramie

Lincoln Statue in Wyoming.. Look familiar girls? :)
I will admit to just a couple tears as I left home this morning..( ok, maybe a few more than a couple!) I am a mixed bag of emotions as I head to Carlisle. Part excited, part sad, very anxious and naturally worried about everyone back home.
This is a good thing though and I know this was the right decision. I am however looking forward to having Mom/ Grandma back there with me later this year.

I'm staying in Nebraska tonight. Not too much going on out here for excitement but the room is nice and it is quiet. It sounds like there may be a chance of snow tomorrow so sometime mid day tomorrow, I will need to decide whether to stay on the 80 or head a bit south. For now I'm keeping my options open. I have until Saturday to arrive in Carlisle so I'll take it slow and steady.

I wish I could provide you some exciting news, but it was simply a day of driving. It was faith promoting to be listening to the Tabernacle Choir as I traveled across Wyoming. I could not imagine treking through there via handcart in the middle of winter like the Pioneers did.

I'm going to look on line tonight and see what fun things I can visit along the way the next couple of days. Perhaps that will make the blog a bit more interesting! Many thanks again to all of you for coming by to visit and to wish me well this past week. I look forward to seeing you visit us in Carlisle soon!


  1. Thanks for updating us Jay! I will have to bookmark this for Mom so she can read along! I'm glad you got to stop at the Lincoln head monument in Wyoming. They lock their toilet paper to the stalls there. Always makes me laugh. :)

    Safe travels, big brother!

  2. The real question is Dad did you touch Abe's nose?
